Long Live The Essbase Add-In!

Many of the Hyperion Planning and Essbase users still prefer to use the Essbase Add-In in conjunction with, or in place of, SmartView. As you probably already know, deploying the Essbase Add-In in version 11 has challenges. There is over 2GB of data that is required and the installtool.cmd file is not a simple installation that most users can administer without help. Because of the size, deploying it in a distributed package is extremely challenging. There are some instructions on various BLOGs that explain a way to deploy it manually, with edits to the registry. Any time I work with a client and mention editing the registry outside an automated install, this option is quickly disregarded.

In version 11.1.2, Oracle|Hyperion has added a self contained executable for the Essbase Add-In! The download is located in the Hyperion Essbaseā€™s download page.