Will Groovy Calculations in PBCS Solve The World’s Problems?

No, But Can It Solve Yours?

I received a lot of positive feedback on the Groovy Series and have been asked a many great questions.  People are excited about the improvements but are still a little hesitant to buy in to the hype.  They question, and rightfully so, 

  1. are the performance gains really as positive as I have stated, and
  2. is the functionality that can be added to improve a user’s experience really available, and
  3. can it improve the validity of the data input as much as I have said it does?

Challenge Accepted!

If you have a challenge, performance issues, or missing functionality that you desperately need in Data Forms, post a quick comment with a summary about what you are facing.  Please enter a valid email so I can contact you directly with any questions.  Don’t worry, your email will remain confidential!

I am going to try to pick one situation every week or two and provide some alternatives with Groovy that will solve, or improve the problem you are facing.

I encourage you to

Join the Party!

so you are notified about the solutions posted.

Good luck on your quest to make Hyperion Planning a better experience for all of your users!