Adventures in Groovy – Part 54: Collections Are Your Best Friend

I received a number of questions when I attended KScope. A lot of people had a tough time wrapping their head around the fact that using Groovy could actually reduce cost and development time, and significantly decrease the effort to maintain an application. The feedback I get on my lightning lessons has been overwhelmingly positive. The basis of the concept of the use of Groovy making things simpler stems from understanding, using, and becoming confident using collections. I thought I would share some examples, use cases that you all use, and some samples to get those started. If you doubt Groovy can mean simpler and faster, I HOPE this will get you to at least think about coming over to the dark side and provide some perspective that will help.

I would like to create more of these and potentially move my training to be free. Before I can do that I need everybody to watch what I post AND subscribe! If I can generate enough of that, I can create enough add revenue to fun my effort and time. So subscribe, watch, and we will see what happens.

In the mean time, let me know what you think of having videos like this rather than traditional written content. If you would like to learn more about dynamic scripts for data maps, forms, and improving performance with Esssbase scripts by removing serial mode and threading the right way, head over to in2hyperion.podia.com. I have more lightening lessons ready for you to take advantage of!