There has not been alot of troubleshooting discussed in the adventures series.  Just like with most coding languages, you can gracefully handle errors resulting from actions (like divide by 0) and return descriptive information to the users and administrators in the job console.  There are several benefits that I see.

  • As previously stated, since the error is accounted for, the user doesn’t get a message that shows a failure with no context.
  • The error object will provide more information about what happened and what should be done to fix it in the future.
  • Predefined actions can take place since the error doesn’t interrupt the script, like returning an error message that tells the user to contact the administrator with an action

Error Handling Introduction

Try / catch / finally is a concept most development languages have.  Conceptually, you “try” some group of commands and “catch” any errors that might happen.  If you “catch” an error, you account for it by doing something.  “Finally,” you perform any closing actions.

try {
  def arr = 1/0
} catch(Exception ex) {
  println ex.toString()
  println ex.getMessage()
  println ex.getStackTrace()
}finally {
   println "The final block"

In this case, ex.toString() prints

java.lang.ArithmeticException: Division by zero

ex.getMessage() prints

Division by zero

and ex.getStackTrace()

[java.math.BigDecimal.divide(Unknown Source), org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.BigDecimalMath.divideImpl(, org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.IntegerMath.divideImpl(, org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.dgmimpl.NumberNumberDiv$NumberNumber.invoke(,, org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.CallSiteArray.defaultCall(,,,, groovy.lang.GroovyShell.runScriptOrMainOrTestOrRunnable(,,,, groovy.lang.GroovyShell$run$ Source), groovy.ui.Console$_runScriptImpl_closure18.doCall(Console.groovy:1123), groovy.ui.Console$_runScriptImpl_closure18.doCall(Console.groovy), sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method), sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source), sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source), java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source), org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedMethod.invoke(, groovy.lang.MetaMethod.doMethodInvoke(, org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.ClosureMetaClass.invokeMethod(, groovy.lang.MetaClassImpl.invokeMethod(,,,, Source)]

The script in the final block is also written out.  It is intended for cleanup and tasks that run at the end of a script regardless of whether there is an error or not.

Handling Errors Uniquely

The catch command can be replicated to handle errors uniquely.  Let’s expand on the example above.  Assume the variable is coming from an RTP or cell value.  The following has a catch for a specific error.  The java.lang.ArithmeticException is equal to the output of ex.toString().  There are probably thousands of errors, if not more.  The easiest way for me to grab these is to use the ex.toString() and see what it produces.  I have no desire to remember or learn them all!

The following will do something different for the divide by zero error than all other errors.

  def denominator = 0
  println 1/denominator
catch(java.lang.ArithmeticException ex) 
  println ex.getMessage()
  println "an action should be taken to account for the error"
catch(Exception ex) 
  println ex.toString()
  println ex.getMessage()
  println ex.getStackTrace()
  println "The final block"

Finishing Up

This requires a little more effort, but once you get used to doing this, it can be reused.  I hear the argument that if you account for every possible situation, you don’t need to error trap.  That is true, and if you are smart enough to account for everything that can go wrong, don’t include this in your Groovy calculation.  I would argue that simple calculations probably don’t need this level of error handling, but more complex logic might be a candidate.  The example above could obviously be handled with an if statement, but put it in context.  It is used to illustrate the concept of try / catch / finally.


I had a very interesting thing happen today that tripped me up.  When loading data to a PBCS database through Planning (not as an Essbase file), I had two types of errors.  I have never seen this before and this could cause some serious heartburn for administrators and possibly waste a ton of time trying to resolve.  So, I am sharing for the sake of saving somebody some effort. Read more


There is a new, and often requested, option added to Smart View.  If you use drill through to Data Management (PBCS) or FDMEE (On Prem), download the most recent release of Smart View.  We, as users, now have the option to change where the result of our drill through queries is returned.  Users can either be asked where the result should be displayed, have it displayed in your browser, or (drum roll) have another tab created that holds the results in Excel. Read more


I was fortunate enough to speak for ODTUG a few weeks ago and really excited that my discussions around Groovy are getting some of the most attended and most interactive ODTUG webinars.  If you have put any of these presentations together, you know how much time it takes to do the research, consolidate the information, make it presentable, and spend the time to hopefully make it fluid.  So, when you provide feedback, I really appreciate it.

The Webinar

There were some questions I wasn’t able to answer, so here goes.

Can the dataCellIterator take functions like @IDESC, @CHLIDREN, etc?

The iterator iterates through the grid, so it doesn’t have the ability to do this directly.  I am not sure of the question, but you could iterate through the grid and for each cell use these functions in other classes/methods to do things like see if it has children, or check to see if it is a child of something.

Is there a way to have a groovy business rule to call a non-groovy business rule – for example if cells were edited then run BR1 else return?

Yes and no.  There is no way to execute another rule.  But, you can embed it into the script like you can in any other rule or script.  You can neither write the string or drag and drop the rule into the Groovy rule.  It doesn’t always put it where the cursor is, but you can cut and paste it to wherever you need it.  It basically is like an include and just embeds the script text, so it would need to be in a string builder.

Can We improve the Aggregations with Groovy?

Yes and no.  If you dynamically create an aggregation script that is the exact same as a normal rule, the same time would result.  Where you do get a benefit is that you can only consolidate the impacted members and dimensions based on what has been edited.  You can also move the data from the BSO to the ASO cube and eliminate the need to aggregate, which would obviously improve the perception of speed.

Does groovy interact with workflow, valid intersection, copying attached documents / supporting detail?

Workflow is in the roadmap.  I confirmed last week with development, so it is coming.  Attachments and supporting detail can be copied by executing smart pushes.

Can grids be generated on the fly using groovy?

They sure can, but they aren’t visible to the user.  There are two grid builders for retrieving and submitting data.

Is there any documentation available to give performance comparisons between business rule/calc and groovy?

Not that I know of, but as previously stated, Groovy doesn’t make Essbase faster.  The perception to users will be that it does, but it is only because we have the ability to isolate what we calculate more than we did before.  That said, if you use the grid builders to do the calculations and submit the results rather than use BSO calculations, you might see different results.  There are some things (allocations) that I think is faster in BSO.  I think using the grid builders on ASO – I do see improvements in performance using Groovy over procedural calculations.  But, I want to emphasize that the majority of the time the speed is improved because of the ability to calculate only what we need to.


Groovy collections are used all throughout the ePBCS API.  If you are not familiar with collections, you may want to take a look at Adventures in Groovy – Part 27: Understanding Collections before you continue.  Maps, which are a type of collection, are very useful when moving data between different applications that have different member names representing the same data.  In a the example below, data is moving from a product revenue cube to a financial cube.  In the detailed cube, the member names are more descriptive, like Net Sales.  In the financial application, the same data is a true account number from the GL, and names 42001.  Mapping data between these two can easily be done with Groovy maps.


There are two components to understanding the use of these maps.  First, the map must be defined for use.  The construction of the map is a delimited list of items.  Each of the items is made up of an key and a value.  These are separated by a colon.

//set account map
def acctMap = ['Units':'Units',
               '42001-Product Sales':'Net Sales',
               '50001-Cost of Sales':'COGS',
               '56010-Chargebacks':'Customer Satisfaction Discount',
               '50010-Sales and Discounts':'Sales and Discounts',
               '56055-Overstock Discount':'Overstock Discount',
               '56300-Customer Satisfaction Discount':'Customer Satisfaction Discount',
               '56092-Multi-Purchase Discount':'Multi-Purchase Discount',
               '56230-Open Box Discount':'Open Box Discount',
               '56200-Damage Container Discount':'Damage Container Discount',
               '56205-Damaged Box Discount':'Damaged Box Discount',
               '56090-Group Purchase Discount':'Group Purchase Discount']

The second piece is retrieving the mapped value.  The value on the left of the colon is referenced and the value on the right will be returned.  The following would return 56230.

[acctMap.get("56230-Open Box Discount")]

A fully vetted example follows of moving data from one database to several others.  The function’s use is embedded in a loop, so rather than a hard coded value, the member of the account dimension is used as the accounts (rows in the form) are being iterated.  It looks like this.


Working Use Case

The map above is used in several places for several reasons.  First, the map is created.  Second, the map is iterated and the key is used to create a data grid for all the values that will be copied, or synchronized, to the destination cube.  Third, the map is used to lookup the converted value to create the grid connected to the destination.  this is a complete working example.  The items in red are specific to the map and its use.

//Dimension employeeDim = operation.application.getDimension("Account")

// Data Movement between Apps

// Get POV
String sCompany = operation.grid.getCellWithMembers().getMemberName("Company")
def sMaterialGroup = operation.grid.getCellWithMembers().getMemberName("Material_Group")
String sChannel = operation.grid.getCellWithMembers().getMemberName("Channel")

def lstProducts = []
operation.grid.dataCellIterator({DataCell cell -> cell.edited}).each{ 

String strProducts = """\"${lstProducts.unique().join('","')}\""""
println "data push running for " + strProducts

if(operation.grid.hasSmartPush("Prod_SmartPush") && lstProducts)

//set account map
def acctMap = ['Units':'Units',
               '42001-Product Sales':'Net Sales',
               '50001-Cost of Sales':'COGS',
               '56010-Chargebacks':'Customer Satisfaction Discount',
               '50010-Sales and Discounts':'Sales and Discounts',
               '56055-Overstock Discount':'Overstock Discount',
               '56300-Customer Satisfaction Discount':'Customer Satisfaction Discount',
               '56092-Multi-Purchase Discount':'Multi-Purchase Discount',
               '56230-Open Box Discount':'Open Box Discount',
               '56200-Damage Container Discount':'Damage Container Discount',
               '56205-Damaged Box Discount':'Damaged Box Discount',
               '56090-Group Purchase Discount':'Group Purchase Discount']

Cube lookupCube = operation.application.getCube("rProd")
DataGridDefinitionBuilder builder = lookupCube.dataGridDefinitionBuilder()
builder.addPov(['Years', 'Scenario', 'Currency', 'Version', 'Company','Store_Type','Department','Source','Product','View'], [['&v_PlanYear'], ['OEP_Plan'], ['Local'], ['OEP_Working'], [sCompany],['Store_Type'],['Total_Department'],['Tot_Source'],['Tot_Product'],['MTD']])
builder.addColumn(['Period'], [ ['ILvl0Descendants("YearTotal")'] ])
for ( e in acctMap ) {
 builder.addRow(['Account'], [ [e.key] ]) 
DataGridDefinition gridDefinition =

// Load the data grid from the lookup cube 
DataGrid dataGrid = lookupCube.loadGrid(gridDefinition, false) 
def povmbrs = dataGrid.pov
def rowmbrs = dataGrid.rows
def colmbrs = dataGrid.columns
def tmpColMbrs = []

//Fin Grid Setup
Cube finCube = operation.application.getCube("Fin")
Cube rfinCube = operation.application.getCube("rFin")
DataGridBuilder finGrid = finCube.dataGridBuilder("MM/DD/YYYY")
DataGridBuilder rfinGrid = rfinCube.dataGridBuilder("MM/DD/YYYY")
def colnames = colmbrs[0]*.essbaseMbrName

String scolmbrs = "'" + colnames.join("', '") + "'"
finGrid.addColumn(colmbrs[0]*.essbaseMbrName as String[])
rfinGrid.addColumn(colmbrs[0]*.essbaseMbrName as String[])

dataGrid.dataCellIterator('Jan').each{ it ->

def sAcct = "${acctMap.get(it.getMemberName('Account'))}"
 def sValues = []
 List addcells = new ArrayList()
 colmbrs[0].each{cName -> 
 addcells << it.crossDimCell(cName.essbaseMbrName).data

DataGridBuilder.Status status = new DataGridBuilder.Status()
DataGridBuilder.Status rstatus = new DataGridBuilder.Status()
DataGrid grid =
DataGrid rgrid =


Finishing Up

This is a relatively simple concept and not terribly difficult to implement.  It is also something most will benefit from when synchronizing data with the dataGridBuilder.  Have something to add?  Post a comment and I will get back to you promptly.


Groovy offers creative ways to force data into acceptable ranges.  But, what happens when there is an acceptable reason for abnormal trends, or drivers?  With Groovy, you can not only add limits to data cells, but you can also allow entry outside of those ranges if the user enters an explanation.  With Groovy, you get the best of both worlds! Read more


Say what? An application where no calculations are performed with the Essbase calculation engine?

Business logic, currency, and every other calculation can be performed within Groovy outside of Essbase. I don’t know how I feel about this yet, but the thought of building this in calculations on an ASO cube is intriguing. The elimination of consolidating BSO cubes and data movements with Smart Pushes is also interesting. Some of my coworkers have built entire applications this way with great success and speed. I wanted to replicate this on a small scale to identify the pros and cons of this methodology, and here is what I found. Read more


The good news is migrating to the cloud doesn’t change a lot when it comes to backing up your Essbase applications.  Conceptually, it is the same.  The utilities used are slightly different. Read more


I have been swamped with project work and webinars, so I haven’t been able to put a ton of time into finalizing new posts.  I have a lot of thoughts and new topics started.  So, expect some new Groovy examples and possibly some Essbase Cloud content.

Unti9l then, I came across this really nice little tidbit when trying to replace special characters in a file and thought those of you who are using PowerShell would benefit by having it.  The beauty of this is that you don’t need to know which characters need escaped.  For those of you like me that aren’t well versed in this topic, not having to know which characters need escaped to work will speed up the development of similar functions.

The following snippet is a simple function that accepts 3 parameters.

  1. The string to be searched with the characters to replace
  2. The string that will replace the characters
  3. The string of characters that need replaced

This function has defaults.  the first is required, but the second and third are not.  If the second and third parameters are now supplied, the defaults – #, ?, (, ), [, ], {, and }  – will be replaced with a blank string, effectively removing them.  These parameters can be passed, and the defaults will be ignored.

function Replace-SpecialChars {
    [string]$Replacement = "",
    [string]$SpecialChars = "#?()[]{}"

  $rePattern = ($SpecialChars.ToCharArray() |ForEach-Object { [regex]::Escape($_) }) -join "|"
  $InputString -replace $rePattern,$Replacement

Replace-SpecialChars (Get-Content c:\test\replace.txt) | Set-Content c:\test\replaceNEW.txt

The above will create a new file named replaceNEW.txt with the contents of replace.txt, but will exclude the characters supplied to the function.

If this doesn’t make sense, take a look at this.  Let’s say we want to replace every x with xray.  The following command would accomplish this.

Replace-SpecialChars (Get-Content c:\test\replace.txt) "x" "xray" | Set-Content c:\test\replaceNEW.txt

So, this isn’t just for special characters!

If you have a cool script, share it by commenting!


Almost every ePBCS application will require the need to run business logic and execute data movements on specific months based on a scenario selected.  Almost every Data Form will require action to be taken dynamically based on the selection of the Scenario.  Read more