Drill Through to Data Management and Stay In Excel

There is a new, and often requested, option added to Smart View.  If you use drill through to Data Management (PBCS) or FDMEE (On Prem), download the most recent release of Smart View.  We, as users, now have the option to change where the result of our drill through queries is returned.  Users can either be asked where the result should be displayed, have it displayed in your browser, or (drum roll) have another tab created that holds the results in Excel.

Change Your Option

This isn’t a complicated or drawn out explanation, but it is sexy!  To change where the results are displayed, go to your Smart View ribbon and click Options to open the dialogue.  Select the Advanced tab on the left and scroll down just a tad.  You will see an option for Drill-Through Launch.  The 3 options previously mentioned are available.  This removes one of the biggest user frustrations regarding drill-through reporting and will surely make a lot of people happy.

The Proof Is In The Pudding

It works just as you would expect, but here is the proof.  When you open a retrieve and connect to the application, right click on a cell.  Click on Drill-through as you always have.

If the data has more detailed data available, a new worksheet will be created in your workbook with the results if you have chosen the In New Sheet option.

Not Much Else To Cover

That is it.  There isn’t much else to say, but this is a great and frequently requested feature.  We can finally provide a good answer.

Absolutely you can drill through to the detail and have it returned in Excel.

As always, post a comment if you have something to share with the community or have additional questions about this topic.