Upgrade Or Downgrade To Or From Hybrid In The Cloud

There are benefits to moving to Hybrid, but there are also some challenges.  The content of this post is not around the pros and cons, but the fact that you can upgrade your environment to use it.  If you find it isn’t for you, you can “downgrade” back to BSO.  The flexibility provides everybody the ability to try it.

Recreate Introduction

EPMAutomate comes with a function that allows the ability to restore an environment to a clean slate.  I don’t think this is new to anybody that has used EPMAutomate or EPM Cloud Planning.  What might be a surprise is that it does more than just reset an environment so you can start over.  It can also:

  1. Change the type of Essbase database to Hybrid or a standard BSO.
  2. Temporarily convert a Planning, Enterprise Planning, Tax Reporting, or Financial Consolidation and Close environment to an Account Reconciliation, Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud, or Profitability and Cost Management environment.

Using Recreate

The usage of the Recreate command is as follows, which all options.

 epmautomate recreate [-f] [removeAll=true|false] [EssbaseChange=Upgrade|Downgrade] [TempServiceType=Service_type]
  • -f forces the re-create process to start without user confirmation. If you do not use the -f option, EPM Automate prompts you to confirm your action. Be careful using this option.  If you have a long day and aren’t focused, this can make the day a whole lot worse!
  • removeAll, removes all of the existing snapshots, as well as the content of the inbox and outbox.  The default is false, meaning it retains the snapshots and the content of inbox and outbox and nothing is removed.
  • EssbaseChange upgrades or downgrades the current Essbase version in legacy Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close Cloud, Oracle Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Cloud or Planning and Budgeting Cloud Plus 1 environments.
  • TempServiceType temporarily converts an environment to a different service environment.

Changing Your Essbase Version

To change your environment to BSO from Hybrid

epmautomate recreate EssbaseChange downgrade

To change your environment to Hybrid from BSO

epmautomate recreate EssbaseChange upgrade

Trying A Different Service

There are some details that must be understood to use this option and is dependent on the version of the cloud service you have.  For subscriptions other than EPM Standard Cloud Service and EPM Enterprise Cloud Service, meaning PBCS and EPBCS, you can use this option to convert, temporarily, to

  • Account Reconciliation
  • Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud
  • Profitability and Cost Management environment

To use this option to convert your environment to something it wasn’t originally intended for:

epmautomate recreate -f removeAll=true TempServiceType=ARCS

To change your environment back to its original service:

epmautomate recreate

For EPM Standard Cloud Service and EPM Enterprise Cloud Service subscriptions, you can use this option to convert to any supported EPM Cloud service.  EPM Enterprise Cloud Service subscriptions use a common EPM Cloud platform. Initially, you can deploy any supported EPM Cloud business process. 

To switch from a deployed business process to another, you must re-create the environment to delete the current deployment and to bring it back to the original EPM Cloud platform. You then re-create it again as the new service type.

For example, if you created an Account Reconciliation business process but now want to create an Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud environment, you must run the re-create command twice.

First, reset the service.

epmautomate recreate -f removeAll=true

Second, change the service type.

epmautomate recreate -f TempServiceType=EDMCS

The acceptable service types, currenty, are

  • ARCS (Account Reconciliation)
  • EDMCS (Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud)
  • EPRCS (Narrative Reporting)
  • PCMCS (Profitability and Cost Management)

That’s A Wrap

It is great that Oracle allows us to do these things. We have a ton of flexibility, not normally afforded to us in the cloud, to test and use different core database types.  It also allows those using the old SKU to try the new services, or business processes, to see if they might be something you want to purchase. 

If you want to give Hybrid a try, use your test environment and give it a spin.  If you want to get exposed to one of the other business processes, you now have the ability to see it without jumping through hoops.

Oracle EPBCS/PBCS May Updates – Big Changes!

I don’t normally write up monthly updated, but this month there are a number of intriguing changes/updates/enhancements that are important to know.  Some may change existing processes.  This is not an exhaustive list, but these are things I think all of us should take note of.

The changes that you will see in the UI may not be visible unless you clear your cache.


  • You MAC users are going to like this, it can now be installed and work on a MAC. By the way, I am one of them.  I can’t wait until the beta is finished for the Smart View to work with office360, meaning MAC, Ipad, etc.
  • You can now run multiple instances of EPMAutomate. So, logging out of one will not log you out of the other.  This will help those that want to run test and prod on one VM.  It will also remove any issue of one process stepping on another.
  • Admin mode can be enabled with EPMAutomate, which was a huge missing piece, in my opinion.
  • A sortMember command to order members in dimensions is now available.


  • No more composite forms, sorry guys!

Smart Push

  • There is a new Smart Push option called Use Database Suppression that enables you to apply row suppression at the database level instead of at the application level, thus eliminating the impact on query thresholds and improving Smart Push wait times.


  • There is a new setting to set the accounts that are linked between plan types to false. This will use the  a new attribute of HSP_LINK (not HSP_NOLINK).


  • We now have the ability to use the new suppression option on the data map / smart push. This will improve performance and reduce the need to break up pushes in groups of members.
  • Groovy can now run jobs. This means a rule can execute other jobs within that rule.  They show as tasks in the job console.  This is limited to the execution of rules, rulesets, and templates.
  • All RTPs are now supported in ASO.

Smart View (AMEN on some of these as us old timers will love) – You will want to download the updated version to take advantage of these.

  • In-grid, cell-based POV—POV members are placed on the grid instead of in the POV toolbar.
  • Submit without refresh—Using the default Submit Data button in the Smart View ribbon, all data cells in a single grid (modified cells and unchanged cells) are marked dirty and submitted. Once the submit operation is complete, the entire grid will be refreshed.
  • Enhanced free-form—Users can insert empty columns and rows anywhere in a grid and change the alias table. Additionally, supports member auto-refresh where deleted members are returned to the grid upon refresh.
  • Multiple-grid ad hoc—Multiple ad hoc grids can be placed on the same Excel worksheet. With multiple-grid ad hoc, users can submit data from any grid on the sheet. Grids based on aggregate storage cubes and block storage cubes are supported on the same sheet. Each grid is independent; for example, if required, you can change the alias table for only one grid on the sheet.
  • Users will now get a warning when the version installed is out of date. Hopefully this can be turned off!


  • Jobs can now have a new return, success with warnings. An example of this might be loading data.  The job finished successfully but there were rejected records.  Make sure your automation accounts for this!


  • There is now an option to not run the validation when data is loaded. For those of you that despise the performance challenges of using DM, this might be a game changer.  The longest part of the process is the actual validation, not the import or export to Planning.

Modules in ePBCS

  • Rolling forecast can now be configured for length.
  • There were some critical bugs that were fixed in WFP (I know first-hand).
  • Some CapX forms were improved as well.

Change The Spread Method In An Existing PBCS Application

Changing application settings was always a little bit of a pain with an on-premise Planning application.  It was a time intensive task of recreating the application, artifact groups at a time.  If you were a little bit of a risk taker, you might have figured out that there were fields in the relational repository that could be updated.  Is there an easy way to do this with PBCS? Since the repository is not accessible in the cloud, legacy methods are not available.  That said, I think it is easier and seemingly less risky with a PBCS application.

How To Perform Configuration Changes

The basic steps are very simple.  If migrations are new to you, take caution and make sure the application backup is readily available.  Always try this in the test environment first.

  1. Run a migration backup by going to the navigation menu and selecting Migration under the Tools header and clicking the Backup button.
  2. Download the backup by changing the view to Snapshots and selecting the ellipse to the right of the created migration and select download.
  3. Unzip the downloaded file to a new folder.
  4. Edit the appropriate file / change the settings (see below).
  5. Zip the files previously unzipped to a new zip file.  Make sure the parent folder is not included.  The folder and files unzipped should be the root of the new zip file.
  6. Upload to zip file created above by going back to Migration under the Tools header in PBCS.  Change the view to Snapshots and click the upload button.  If the backup is too large, you may need to use EPM Automate.
  7. Delete the existing application by moving to the Overview area which can be found in the navigation menu under the Application header, select the Action button and click Remove Application.
  8. After the application is deleted, log back in to PBCS and choose the Migration option in the navigation menu.  Create a new application with the updated zip file by clicking the ellipse and choosing Import.

Updating The Configuration

Before proceeding, I have tried this by only migrating the configuration (not recreating the application) and it didn’t work.  The application had to be recreated so the entire backup was required.  So, although only one file is updated, it is still important to take a full backup.

The migration files hold everything you need to update pieces and parts of an application.  In this situation, the focus will be on the configuration options, specifically the spread method.  Since this is needed to create an application, the spread method is often not decided on and may need to be changed later.  To change it after the fact is pretty easy.  Navigate to and open the Application Definition.xpad file.  This is inside the HP-xxx folder.  The xxx represents the name of the application.  This is a text file so it can be opened in any text editor.  If notepad is used, the line feeds won’t be visible and all the lines will be smashed together.  Notepad++ is a recommended alternative.  See below for the full path of the xpad file.

The Application Definition.xpad file, when opened, should look similar to the following.  This is not a full representation of the file so expect it to be larger when opened.

Scroll down a short way and find the WeeksDistribution property.  It will likely have a 445 pattern or will read Even.  Change this option to the preferred method and save the file.  The options are 445, 454, 544, and Even.

There are, as you see, other options that can changed.  Although I have only changed the spread method, I am moderately confident that the others, if changed here, would be reflected when the zip file is imported.

  <BaseTimePeriod>12 Months</BaseTimePeriod>

Note that some of these are not options when the application is created, like whether the application has a parent for years.  I have not tinkered with this for that reason, but it is there if you want try.

Importing A File Too Large For The UI

As stated above, large files cannot be loaded through the PBCS UI.  I have run into this before and believe the maximum size of the file that can be uploaded is less than 2GB.  EPM Automate has an upload file command that overcomes this.

epmautomate login username userpassword https://planning-domain.pbcs.datacenter.oraclecloud.com domain
epmautomate uploadfile "[path]\[filename].zip"

epmautomate login kgoodfriend GoJackets https://planning-A123345.pbcs.us6.oraclecloud.com A12345
epmautomate uploadfile "c:\backups\PBCS_In2Hyperion.zip"

Finishing Up

There are a lot of useful things you can do with the migration files.  Making changes is sometimes easier in bulk than one artifact at a time.  Many free tools are available to find and replace text in multiple files, and even use patterns.  Some changes require a bit of hunt and peck if they are common and may occur in more places than you want to change.  If you have an application name that is similar to a database name it gets a little more tedious.  Obviously replacing a database name called plan would likely be more work because plan exists in many places, not just a database name.  Here are some thoughts and uses.

  • Changing the application name
  • Changing database names
  • Updating member names in all forms and rules
  • Finding forms and rules that use members to be removed

Adventures in Groovy – Part 38: Challenge Accepted (Exporting Data With The System Date In The Filename)

I had a great question today so challenge accepted!  A reader asked if it was possible to run a data export and have the system date in the file name.  The answer is very simply, yes.  I don’t have any content around the question, so I will answer it in two ways.

Option One – Groovy

If you have read any of the pieces of this series, you know how excited I am about Groovy.  Yeah, I know, Groovy can do everything.  You are tired of hearing me say that.  I know it can’t do everything, but it comes close!  In Exporting Data in PBCS With Business Rules, I talk about exporting data with a business rule.  In Part 1 of my Groovy Series, I lay out how to execute a business rule with Groovy and how you can alter the Essbase calculation at run time.  If we put these two concepts together, we can set the name of the export to anything we want, even a system date.

The Date() method will return a date in a default format and inside a Groovy calculation it uses GMT time.  Since I am in EST, it is always 5 hours ahead.  So, if the date is printed at 5PM EST, the results is Wed Jan 16 22:00:00 GMT 2019.  This can be altered by formatting it to just about anything your heart desires.  I am sure you see where I am going.  If you google “format date Groovy” it will list nearly 50 options for date and time, AM/PM or military time, month as a number, 3 digit abbreviation, or the whole month, as examples.  For this example, the file to be just the system date.

Def currentDate =  new Date().format("MM_dd_yyyy")
// this returns the a two digit month, two digit day, and four digit year, separated by underscores

If you don’t want GMT, there is a trick.  The date method accepts a date.  It can be a fully qualified date like “1/15/19 22:00:00” or you can enter the seconds from January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.  This might sound crazy but in a Groovy calculation you can use currentTimeMillis() to get exactly that.  Again, since this is GMT, and EST is the want, add 3,600,000 milliseconds for each hour you want to change from GMT.  If these two methods are combined, the appropriate time can be obtained.

def adjEST = currentTimeMillis() + (3600000 * -5)
def currentDate =  new Date(adjEST).format("MM_dd_yyyy")
// This would give me the date 5 hours behind GMT

Now that we have the system date (and this is obviously my interpretation because I want it represented in my home time zone), we can combine this with the examples referenced above to export the data to a file with a name that includes the “system date.”

If you don’t know, the last string in a Groovy calculation is actually submitted to the calculation engine.  A stringbuilder is not required as noted in the examples.  The drawback of this is that we don’t have the option to log the actual calculation script.  This is more helpful when debugging and isn’t always critical to have documented in a production application via a log.  So, here goes!  The only change from the example is that we define a date variable as mm_dd_yyyy and pass that to the calculation.

// Get the date in EST and format as needed
def adjEST = currentTimeMillis() + (3600000 * -5)
def currentDate = new Date(adjEST).format("MM_dd_yyyy")

// Pass the calculation with the currentDate variable as the file name
 DataExportLevel LEVEL0;
 DataExportDynamicCalc OFF;
 DataExportNonExistingBlocks OFF;
 DataExportDecimal 4;
 DataExportPrecision 16;
 DataExportColFormat ON;
 DataExportColHeader Period;
 DataExportDimHeader ON;
 DataExportRelationalFile ON;
 DataExportOverwriteFile ON;
 DataExportDryRun OFF;

 FIX(@Relative("Account", 0),
     @Relative("Years", 0),
     @Relative("Scenario", 0),
     @Relative("Version", 0),
     @Relative("Entity", 0),
     @Relative("Period", 0),
     @Relative("<em>custom_dim_name_1</em>", 0),
     @Relative("<em>custom_dim_name_1</em>", 0),
     @Relative("<em>custom_dim_name_1</em>", 0))
  DATAEXPORT "File" "," "/u03/lcm/${currentDate}.txt" "";

This would produce a file in the inbox named 01_16_2019.txt.  By adding a parameter and formatting it to the date we want the file to be named, we have our solution.  Two additional lines and adding the parameter to the Essbase calculation is all that is required.

Part Two – Without Groovy

This is a little more difficult without Groovy.  I have not found a way to use something like the following as the file name.  If a reader sees this and knows of a way a way to do this, please share it and post a comment.

@CONCATENATE (@CONCATENATE ("/u03/lcm/", @FORMATDATE(@TODAY(),"mm_dd_yyyy")),".txt")

I assume in the original question that the ask is really not to have a file in the inbox with a specific name.  By using EPMAutomate and execute the calculation with a static name, the file can be download and renamed.  A simple PowerShell script could be used to rename the file.  If there really is a need to have this in the inbox, it can be uploaded.  I don’t know of any method that exists to rename an existing file with EPMAutomate.

$localFile = "c:\PBCS_Downloads\"
$exportFileName = "DataExport.txt"
Start-Process "epmautomate downloadfile ""$exportFileName"""
# Assume the script is executed from c:\PBCS_Downloads\ or the file is moved to this folder
$fileObj = get-item "c:\PBCS_Downloads\dataexport.txt"
rename-item "$($fileObj.FullName)" "$(Get-Date -Format "MM_dd_yyyy")$($fileObj.Extension)"
Start-Process "epmautomate uploadfile ""$($fileObj.DirectoryName)\$(Get-Date -Format ""MM_dd_yyyy"")$($fileObj.Extension)"""

Challenge Completed

Another challenge accepted has been easily completed.  Keep them coming!

Updating EPM Automate Just Got Easier


One of the challenges with EPM Automate has been eliminated this month.  Although it was a minor issue, the need to update EPM Automate regularly was something that had to be considered monthly. Administrators of PBCS do not always have access to the on-premise footprint, like a Windows VM, that runs the automation.  Even more frequently, access to the production VM is only available to IT staff, so updating that environment is more strict, and has to be scheduled.  That schedule doesn’t always sync up to the changes in PBCS.

Update Command

As of the 02.18 release, a new command is available.  The “update” command will automatically download, and silently install, the newest version of the EPM Automate utility.  Once logged in, execute the following command.

epmautomate upgrade

If you are a frequent visitor, you know I am a fan of PowerShell.  All the automation I do with EPM Automate in the Windows environment utilizes this free scripting tool.  This command has been added to all my new projects so there is no manual effort in keeping the utility current.  This also eliminates any issues that pop up due to incompatibility issues with PBCS.

In my reusable scripts, this new function has been added.

function EPMA_Upgrade{
  $CmdLine = "upgrade"
  $ReturnCode = Start-Process "$EPMAutomate_Path\epmautomate.bat" $CmdLine -Wait -passthru -WindowStylee $ShowDosWindow
  LogResult "EPM Automate has been updated" $ReturnCode.ExitCode

During a nightly process, the function is referenced.  If the request fails, the administrators are emails.

$ReturnResult = EPMA_Upgrade
if( $ReturnResult -eq 1){Send_Email_Error;Exit}


This is a welcome addition.  Now, administrators and application owners don’t have to worry about using new features or keeping EPM Automate in sync with the active version of PBCS.  As the great, Forrest Gump would say – “One Less Thing.”

Easy Way to Randomize Data in PBCS


When an application is used to demonstrate sensitive information, a training class includes people that shouldn’t see live data, or security is being tested, often times using real data is not an option.  I have written PowerShell scripts and .NET applications to randomize data from Essbase exports, as well as Custom Defined Functions to randomize with calculations. PBCS just made it much easier.  Using one EPMAutomate command all the data in all the applications can be randomized.  We don’t have the ability to control what is change, which would be a nice addition as I always excluded anything greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1 in an effort to exclude rates and things like a boolean true/false, or headcount.  But, the ability to do it in one command is mighty appreciated!

Masking Data in PBCS

In a recent update to EPM Automate, Oracle introduced a new method – maskData. It can’t get any easier to use.  Once you log in to EPM Automate, simply run maskData.

epmautomate maskData

When this is executed, it will ask you to confirm that you want to randomize the data in the application.  If you want to bypass the confirmation, add -f after maskData and it will force the command to run without confirmation.

Thank You Mr. Obvious

Be very careful using this!  Make sure you are logged on to test, and not production!

Bug Report: EPM Automate

A bug with EPM Automate has been identified.  This is not replicated on every version or client.  Please pay attention to any EPM Automate  updates installed.  In the past, I was able to install the latest version without any issues.  Currently, the install prompts users to uninstall the older version.  In the past, this worked as expected, but now, when selected, this has no effect and the new EPM Automate is NOT installed, leaving you with the existing version. I noticed that this goes VERY fast, like nothing was updated.  If you experience a similar, sub second installation, you may have the same issue.

Oracle has assigned a bug number to this issue, but no release date has been assigned to a fix.  The following is not a public bug.


When you update EPM Automate, validate the install worked by running EPM Automate and checking the version number.

The version should generally reflect the date of download, if you download this from Oracle’s website.  The version above signifies a release of December, 2017 (17.12).

If the version doesn’t change and shows a prior install version date, go to Control Panel, select Programs, and Uninstall a Program.  Find EPM Automate and uninstall it.  Once this is completed, install the newest version from Oracle’s website and you should be good to go.

Happy Holidays!