If you have ever used custom functions in Excel, depending on the complexity of them, you have probably run into an issue where the accuracy of the results was sporadic. There is a quick solution. Read more
If you have ever used custom functions in Excel, depending on the complexity of them, you have probably run into an issue where the accuracy of the results was sporadic. There is a quick solution. Read more is being releases in as little as 10 days. It is really exciting and here is what you will see. Read more
By default, only data values can be loaded into Essbase. However, sometimes it is helpful to load dates into an application (i.e. Product Inception Date). Follow these steps to enable an Essbase application to accept dates as data. Read more
I recently learned the importance of encrypted passwords in batch files. Without a password file, the scripts will still run, but the user is prompted to input a password in the command prompt after initialization. Encrypted passwords allow for the automation of these scripts. Shout out to Sumit Deo for his patience in guiding me through the initial process and helping me with my batch scripting skills along the way. Read more
When automating Business Rules through batch scripts, an XML file is needed to state the runtime prompts. This is how the batch script will know which members to run the business rule for. Is there an easy way to create these files? Read more
I was recently testing out the performance of rulesets that were attached to forms, and ran into an issue that had me scratching my head. Certain rulesets were not running or even appearing on forms that they were attached to in the Planning application. Turns out, the rules had been corrupted in the transfer between Calc Manager and the Planning application Read more
This post looks at the “Allow Expansion” functionality in Financial Reporting Studio. “Allow Expansion” is a great feature, as it gives the user more flexibility when running and displaying reports. However, it can also require more setup work as it makes the report more complex. Two situations that I encountered recently:
This post looks at the “Allow Expansion” functionality in Financial Reporting Studio. “Allow Expansion” is a great feature, as it gives the user more flexibility when running and displaying reports. However, it can also require more setup work as it makes the report more complex. Two situations that I encountered recently:
This post covers the basics of building a Planning app. Building a Planning application can be a straightforward process; however, there are some pitfalls to watch out for. One or two mistakes can lead to some major headaches in trying to decipher what went wrong. Whether a beginner or a seasoned vet looking for a quick refresher, this guide will outline the steps necessary to successfully create/deploy a Planning application. Read more